A Few Fun Facts About Seafood

A Few Fun Facts About Seafood

  • Are you a cat lover? We are! And everyone knows that cats love fish! Experts say that giving your feline friend a small serving of whitefish as a treat can have health benefits. Whitefish is better for your cat’s health than tuna. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for cats. Snacking on too much tuna can reduce your feline friend’s vitamin E levels. Whitefish don’t have this negative side effect and can be a good source of vitamin E.
  • Want to know the safest fish to eat raw? Many types of seafood can be eaten raw with a low risk of food-borne illness. The list includes yellowfin tuna, southern bluefin tuna, northern bluefin tuna, sea bass, mackerel, blue marlin, swordfish, yellowtail, salmon, trout, squid, clams, scallop, shrimp, octopus and crab.
  • If you struggle to get oysters out of their shell, try this trick! Soak the oysters in club soda for up to 5 minutes after you wash them. It will make shucking them much more manageable.
  • Have you ever tried eel? Many Americans haven’t tasted these snakefish. In Europe and the Mediterranean, eel is an expensive delicacy. Fried eel is popular in Egypt and Italy. In Dutch nations, smoked eel is enjoyed on toast. Eel stew is popular throughout Europe.
  • If your doctor’s recommended reducing your cholesterol, add more fish into your diet! Healthy fats in seafood can help your body manage your cholesterol levels and reduce your bad cholesterol.
  • Trying to bulk up? Consider eating more crab. These crustaceans are packed with a surprising amount of protein. There are 20.5 grams of protein in just 3.5 grams of crabmeat.